Deeply engaged in some conversations with family in Germany, I learned the following today:
- NLP "reframers": Don’t think positive but use your “Away From” motivational filter to protect yourself from covid

- Focus on where and how you could get infected and think of the minute, small things that create infection (how you may be part of aerosol or any form of mucous)
- No symptoms are needed to infect others
- Despite vaccination you are still subject to infection
- Don’t go even close to anyone you are not sure is tested negative
- Don't rely on fever - may come without
- Don’t think you need to be in contact with anyone to get it – it can come to you in many other ways

- Have a kit ready
- Know where you get oxygen supply from (I am in process of ordering a oxygen concentrator just for the case)
- Have a list of covid hospitals you can go to or send your friend to
- Take hot steam inhalation every time you come back home immediately (minimum 10 minutes)
- Practice the “Yogic” technique: hot salt water up the nose and down the throat snorting
- Do wear a “proper” mask when out at all times
- Insist on negative test results with anyone you are interacting with
- Have a written list with everything you need to do anytime oxygen level goes below 95 (for yourself, your neighbor, your firend

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