Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Mastership navigation and management stamina depletion
Mastership navigation and management stamina depletion
When sailing the high seas, it’s important to keep your ship in tip-top condition. The hull’s hit points (HP) are depleted when you take damage from enemy attacks or rogue waves, storms, and other environmental disasters. Be sure to Skull and Bones Items have Repair Kits with you to quickly replenish lost HP.
Managing stamina is also integral when exploring the oceans. Here’s a quick summary:
The stamina meter gets depleted if your ship is sailing at full speed. Look for the green pip in the lower-right portion of your screen.
Lower your sails to decrease the ship’s speed (white pips) and recover stamina.
Alternatively, you can eat certain types of cooked food, gain a stamina boost from bonfires, or equip specific furniture.
Note that sailing with a tailwind—meaning the wind blows from behind the ship—is also beneficial, since this greatly increases your ship’s speed. Sailing against the wind can be problematic. You can see what direction the wind is blowing by Skull and bones items for sale cheap looking at the small triangle next to your ship’s speed indicator.
Use the Spyglass to reveal a target ship’s resources.